Shabad Lamba

Hi, I'm Shabad, a Frontend Developer. I am passionate about building cool tech and automating boring tasks.

My Work.

Been working on some cool projects, check them out below.

My Experience.

Our awesome features
Super Genie

Data Science Intern

Our awesome features
IIIT Hyderabad, 2018 - 2019

Research Intern

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IMI Mobile Cloud Communications, 2019 - 2021

Fullstack Developer

Our awesome features
Cisco, 2021-present

Feature description

About Me.

Hi, I am Shabad Lamba. My coding journey started in 2011 when I was introduced to CS50. Since then I have explored various dimensions of programming world from Data Science, Game Development and Frontend Development. I tried them all out and finally decided to stick to Frontend development and specialize in it. Currently I am an Frontend Developer at Cisco and I have experience building Apis in Flask. My journey into the JavaScript world started through Typescript, comping from Python and C# background Typescript made this transition alot easier. Although my curiosity led me to learn and understand fundamental concepts of JavaScript. Soon after, I dived into frontend frameworks and libraries like Angular and React. Learning both and working with them, gave me a deeper appreciation for features of each and a better understanding of which to use to solve problems in a faster, simpler and maintainable way. Looking forward to new challenges and grow. Next, I will be exploring backend runtimes like Node.js, Deno and Bun.

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